New Delhi: Make your Friday more thrilling with a brand new announcement. On her social media, Rashmika Mandanna has posted an announcement. Rashmika shared a poster of herself from her forthcoming movie Mega Blockbuster on her Instagram account. She is holding her hands and beaming towards the camera in the poster, as seen. The description, “Fun Stuff,” also includes the hashtags “Mega Blockbuster,” “Trailer Out Sept. 4,” “Excited,” and “Collaborate.”
Along with Rashmika, the most popular actress in Bollywood, Deepika Padukone, also posted a photo of herself on Instagram with the comment “Surprise” and the hashtags “Trailer Out Sept. 4” and “Mega Blockbuster.”
Knowing that Karthi, Trisha Krishnan, Kapil Sharma, and cricketer Rohit Sharma have all published postings on a related topic would no doubt surprise you. The cricketer makes his acting debut in the movie.
On Instagram, comedian Kapil Sharma posted a poster with the caption, “Yeh wali mere fans ke liye. Hope aapko pasand aaye “with hashtags Mega Blockbuster and Trailer Out 4th September. In the ad, Kapil could also be seen glueing his hands together and grinning at the camera. A poster of Trisha Krishnan from the project was also uploaded on Instagram with the caption “Can’t keep calm!” and the hashtag “Stay Tuned.”
Oh, wait, Rohit Sharma is also involved. What? Rohit Sharma, a cricketer, recently shared a poster of himself from the initiative on Instagram. He wrote, “Butterflies in my gut” as the caption. With hashtags “Trailer Out September 4th and Mega Blockbuster,” a one-of-a-kind release.
According to the performers’ numerous social media tweets, the Mega Blockbuster trailer will debut on September 4. Even so, its status as a movie is still unknown. We are anticipating more project information.