New Delhi, The 15th season of the most controversial reality show, Bigg Boss has entered its finale week. The competition is getting tough day by day and the contestants in-house are trying their best every day to evolve in their performance to lift the trophy. The grand finale episodes will be aired on January 29 and 30.
The grand finale will be graced by several special guests and several events will be taking place. What will add to the glamour of the show, is the presence of Deepika Padukone. As per the latest promo shared by the makers of the show, Deepika Padukone will make a special appearance on Bigg Boss 15.
The latest promo shows that Deepika Padukone will be appearing to promote her film Gehraaiyaan. She will be engaging in a fun conversation with Salman Khan, the host of the show. Salman Khan is seen teasing her by calling her “Deepika Ranveer Padukone Singh.” Deepika looked stunning in a brown shirt and pants which she paired with a chain necklace. She has styled her hair into light curls and her makeup is flawless.