New Delhi, Here is a wonderful job opportunity for the graduates. They can now earn nearly Rs 40,000 and that too in a government job. Just go and grab this never-before-opportunity. Maharashtra State Service Commission (MPSC) has issued vacancies for the job seekers. If you are keen to apply, you need to appear before the MPSC’s ‘state service pre-exam 2019’ examination before the last date gets over. You will find crucial information given below:
Qualification: The candidate should be a graduate from any recognised university in order to apply for these jobs
Age limit: Minimum age limit for these posts should be 19 years and maximum age limit should be 38 years
How to apply: Candidates who wish to apply can visit and apply online
Selection procedure: The selection of the candidate will be based on preliminary written examination, written examination, and interview
Last date: Candidates can apply till December 31
Pay scale: Rs 9300 – Rs 34800
Rs 15600 – Rs 39100