Mumbai, Actress Swara Bhasker says the second season of web series “It’s Not That Simple” will not only be bigger and better, but will also raise some important questions.”It’s Not That Simple” tells the story of Meera — a young woman who is trying to find her way in a world run by men while questioning the gender bias. The second season, which will start streaming on VOOT later this month, will take forward Meera’s story and her struggle. “‘It’s Not That Simple’ is back with its second edition and the show is bigger and better in all aspects,” Swara said in a statement.
“I can’t wait for our viewers to meet the stronger than ever Meera. While I reprise my character as Meera in the new season, this new avatar of Meera will take everyone by storm.”I am sure that the new season which questions gender roles and challenges stereotypes will compel you to raise the very pertinent question ‘Does the sex really matter?'”The show also features Sumeet Vyas and Purab Kohli.