Placards of PM Modi, other world leaders raised at pro-freedom rally in Pakistan’s Sindh


Islamabad: In a massive pro-freedom rally organised on the 117th birth anniversary of GM Syed, one of the founding fathers of modern Sindhi nationalism, protesters raised the placards of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other world leaders to seek their intervention for the freedom of Sindhudesh.

The people raised pro-freedom slogans during a massive rally held in Syed’s hometown of Sann in Jamshoro district of Pakistan’s Sindh province.

Sindh is the home of Indus Valley Civilisation and Vedic religion

They claimed that Sindh is the home of Indus Valley Civilisation and Vedic religion which was illegitimately occupied by the British Empire and was delivered by them in the evil Islamist hands of Pakistan in 1947.

“Among all these barbaric assaults on its history and culture, and all these ages of occupation and dawns of independence Sindh has retained and maintained its separate historical and cultural identity as a pluralist, co-existent, tolerant and harmonious society where all the different cultures, languages and ideas of the foreign and native people have not only influenced each other but accepted and absorbed the common message of the human civilisation,” said Shafi Muhammad Burfat, Chairman of Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz.

He added, “This historical synthesis of religions, philosophies and civilisation from the east and west has given our motherland Sindh a distinct place in the history of humanity”.

Burfat told ANI, “While the Sindh gave India its name, the Sindh citizens who pioneered in the fields of industry, philosophy, marine navigation, mathematics and astronomy are today chained by the Islam-o-fascist terrorist unconstitutional forced federation of Pakistan by the military might of Punjabi imperialism in the name of Islam”.