New Delhi: PM Modi interacted with the DMs and field officials of 10 States-Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Kerala, Maharashtra, Odisha, Puducherry, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh.
While interacting with the DM’s, PM Modi said that vaccine wastage must stop it at all costs.
“Vaccine wastage is also a major issue. We must stop it at all costs. A single wastage means not providing security to an individual. Work out on your strategy on rural-urban specific way.”
He also said that Corona cases have come down but the challenge will remain as long infection remains even at minor levels.
“Coronavirus has made your work more demanding and challenging. In the midst of new challenges, we need new strategies & solutions. It becomes important to use local experiences & we need to work together as a country: PM Modi interacts with District officials of 10 states ,” said PM Modi.
“Every pandemic has taught us this – To deal with a pandemic, our practices need constant change, innovation and upgradation. This virus is expert in mutating and thus, our strategies should be dynamic in fighting it,” he said.
“Supply will smoothen in the near future which will help streamline the entire process of vaccination,” said PM while interacting with DMs of 54 high Covid caseload districts.
He also said that, “We’re collating all suggestions from states for vaccination strategies and taking them forward. Keeping this in view, the Health Ministry is providing the next 15-day vaccine dosage information to states.”
“Testing and distancing must be focused upon and it is the administration’s responsibility to ensure this. COVID appropriate behaviour shouldn’t be dropped,” said PM.
“Active cases have started to reduce in India at the moment, but in the last 1.5 years, we have experienced that the pandemic will continue even if the spread continues very minimally.”
“We must spread this message to rural India – that everyone needs to keep their village COVID-free.”
“Looking at new challenges such as the pandemic, we need new solutions as well. Thus, we must share our local experiences and work together as a nation. Several state officials have shared their experiences today as well. It helps in fighting ground situations a lot,” said PM Modi.
PM Modi had on Tuesday held a meeting with field officials from states and districts about their experience in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.